
So...how did you come up with that?!? We hear that a lot. Every aspect of our custom work is planned meticulously - combining size, shape, color, texture and originality into a one-fo-a-kind treasure. Here are some show-and-tells about our creation stories - enjoy!

Hidden Patterns in Fabric

originally posted on 1/9/11

A client saw our black and white pillow suite series and wanted us to adapt it for her home. Her couch was creme and the room was mostly a chocolate brown, but there was a red accent wall across the way - could we somehow incorporate red into the design? SURE!!!

Here's the starting point, for reference -

She wanted us to make the pillow on the top right. We found the same black and creme fabrics in brown and creme; she selected the leaf pattern as her main fabric (shown above on the neckrolls) and a a striped fabric as the coordinate - see below

this is what the finished pillow looks like:

Wait, how did you get that- those stripes aren't in the second fabric? The trick is seeing all the possibilities that a fabric may have...!!!

First we isolate a stripe - cutting off the heads of the tulips!:

then we add the red trim in the middle and the cording on the ends:

Here's the pair, sitting in their new home:


UPDATE: Our client is selling her home. The buyer has asked for the pillows to be included in the sale price. Not the couch, the pillows!!! :)